After having horses as a hobby for nearly 20 years with experience from both dressage, jumping and gaited horses the first change happened 2006 when I Certified as a Equine Sport Massage Therapist.
Following years the customer service in the skies had to share time with part time equine sport massage as well. It was during this time my interest for Monty Roberts way of working with horses really started due to an at that point little wild Icelandic horse that came into to my life.
2008 I got a brilliant idea to travel for a 2months working holiday down to Romania, somehow 2 months ended fast into 3 years. During this time I had fantastic opportunities to work with a wide variety o horses, started quite a few youngsters, was working with everything from bomb proofed client horses to misunderstood “problem” horses. Every day full of interesting experiences. One of the top 10 memories of this time was definitely the moment when I after months of training rode one of the “problem horses” in the national finals in dressage in Bucharest and ended up on a great second place!
During these years the horse work in Romania got combined with studies in California at Monty Roberts Farm. Where starting of green horses, gentling of wild mustangs and gentle foal handling were normal duties on the agenda.
After doing my final exam in spring 2011 I got invited by Monty to come and do my Instructor Internship at his Flag Is Up Farm. In end of August 2011 after working the summer in California I Certified as Finland’s first Monty Roberts Instructor.
The following winter I travelled around the world working with horses in New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia. Starting spring 2012 I am running Equus Finland, training horses, having courses and teaching people about Monty Roberts’s working methods as one of the 48 worldwide Certified Instructors.